Thursday, September 26, 2013

Galeux d'Eysines (Popcorn) Pumpkin

Galeux d'Eysines (Popcorn) Pumpkin

Galeux d'Eysines - HEIRLOOM Pumpkin Squash
First seen at the Pumpkin Fair in Tranzault, France in 1996.   Seed collected by Amy Goldman from La Ferme de Ste. Marthe, Cour-Cheverny, France.  The intorior flesh is orange, sweet and moist.  Great for baking and cooking with.  Great for soups because once cooked it becomes velvety smooth.  Pumpkins can weigh from 10-20 pounds and should be harvested before they mature, if left the peanut growths may cover the pumpkin.  The peanut warts are caused by the sugars in the skin of the pumpkin.  They can be stored up to 6 months.